
You can also find my articles on my ORCID profile.


HEP-Frame: an Efficient Tool for Big Data Applications at the LHC
André Pereira, António Onofre, and Alberto Proença
arXiv pre-print, accepted at the European Physical Journal Plus, awaiting publication.


HEP-Frame: Improving the Efficiency of Pipelined Data Transformation & Filtering for Scientific Analyses
André Pereira and Alberto Proença
Computer Physics Communications, Volume 263. Published by Elsevier.


PRNG-Broker: A High-Performance Broker to Supply Parallel Streams of Pseudo-Random Numbers for LargeScale Simulations
André Pereira and Alberto Proença
Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, pp. 167-183, Springer.


[PhD Thesis] HEP-Frame: a Development Aid and Efficient Execution Engine where a Multi-layer Scheduler Adaptively Orders Pipelined Data Stream Applications
André Pereira
Supervised by: Prof. António Onofre and Prof. Alberto Proença
Universidade do Minho, Universidade de Aveiro, and Universidade do Porto (MAP-i)


Efficient Use of Parallel PRNGs on Heterogeneous Servers
André Pereira and Alberto Proença
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Applications, pp. 7–12. Published by the Institute of Knowledge and Development.


Tuning Pipelined Scientific Data Analyses for Efficient Multicore Execution
André Pereira, António Onofre, and Alberto Proença
In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, pp. 751-758. Published by IEEE.


HEP-Frame: A Software Engineered Framework to Aid the Development and Efficient Execution of ScientificCode
André Pereira, António Onofre, and Alberto Proença
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence. Published by IEEE.


Removing Inefficiencies from Scientific Code: The Study of the Higgs Boson Couplings to Top Quarks
André Pereira, António Onofre, and Alberto Proença
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Part IV, pp.576–591. Published by Springer.