Tools Developed for the Scientific Community


HEP-Frame is a framework to aid the development and efficient execution of pipelined data analysis applications in homogeneous and heterogeneous servers. This tool resulted from the work developed during my PhD, and is currently actively used in particle physics research.

Access HEP-Frame here.


PRNG-Broker is a middle layer between the application code, e.g., a Monte Carlo simulation, and specialised pseudo-random number generation (PRNG) libraries. It efficiently manages parallel PRN requests to external PRNG libraries, adequately using the computational resources available in multicore, manycore, and GPU devices. This efficient management of PRN generation focus on improving the performance of parallel compute-bound applications, but also provides a significantbenefit for both sequential and memory-bound codes.

Technical report available here.
Access PRNG-Broker here.

TEG Analyser and Debugger

An adequate Task Execution Graph for the representation of the possible execution flows within complex pipelines of conditional tasks must respect a strict set of properties:

The creation of such TEGs must be automatically validated. Inaccuracies in its structure often lead to erroneous scheduling behaviour, whose source cannot be easily traced. While these mechanisms should be integrated into the schedulers to avoid critical failures, they are extremely useful during the R&D of novel scheduling strategies. Such tool is especially important if TEGs are developed for software workflows composed by large numbers of conditional or non-conditional tasks with complex inter-dependencies.


The workflow of creating and analysising a TEG.

This tool is currently under development after a successful proof-of-concept, with an alpha version expected in the near future.


Sample test case from the proof-of-concept development.